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- The Responsible person (Team Leader/Deputy) initiates the PREG in EDH and in the Status field chooses "USER". Completes initial information including person’s name, email and gender and submits form.
- The PREG is routed to the Newcomer who will receive a link by email. The newcomer includes additional personal data and attaches an ID document (passport preferable) and the Home Institution Declaration. Submits form.
- PREG is routed once again to the Responsible person for verification (author flag, status if applicable). Responsible person submits document.
- PREG is routed to the USERS office who approve the registration.
- The newcomer is notified by the Users office that the pre-registration has been approved.
- The newcomer is automatically injected into the ATLAS membership database as a PART (remote member) initially.
- A welcome email is sent to the newcomer with instructions to activate the computing account.
- Upon arrival on the CERN site, the newcomer must make their way to the Users office to finalise their registration and sign the contract of association electronically. The new members' status changes from PART to USER.